
Kate Louise

2 publications between 2011 and 2013 indexed
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Contributions to journals

Mathis, Kate Louise, “Gaelic gemina opera? The verse and prose texts of Saltair na rann and Scél saltrach na rann”, Scottish Gaelic Studies 28 (2011): 1–20.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Mathis, Kate Louise, “Parallel wives: Deirdriu and Lúaine in Longes mac n-Uislenn and Tochmarc Lúaine ocus Aided Athairne”, in: Gregory Toner, and Séamus Mac Mathúna (eds), Ulidia 3: proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Ulster Cycle of Tales, University of Ulster, Coleraine 22–25 June, 2009. In memoriam Patrick Leo Henry, Berlin: curach bhán, 2013. 17–24.